Polone: How Pilot Season Ensures That Great Actors Rarely Land the Right Shows — Vulture

Hollywood is one month into pilot season. By the end of February, the networks will have culled the scripts they had been developing during the prior half-year and will order a select group of pilots for production. (Final decisions on which of these go to series is made in May.) But as the chosen scripts are anointed, the television industry becomes all about casting these projects. It is indisputable that a great script that has been miscast will fail and that a mediocre script with a terrific lead or leads may very well succeed. Yet for all of its importance, the process of casting pilots — for those actors who aren’t among the very small number well known enough to simply be offered a show outright – is, ironically, so strained and grueling that it doesn’t afford actors the opportunity to be cast in the show best suited to them, nor the producers a position of confidence that they have hired the best ensemble available.

via www.vulture.com

I'm not aligning myself with Gavin Polone but gosh he gets this right. It's what actors can't say out loud for fear of offending the audition gods.

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