I’m on a “book tour” and it started in Denver with an appearance on the morning show (link to this appearance soon) and took me to talks at the University of Denver and Colorado University at Boulder. What a great setting to be an artist and learn about what makes you tick. I was invited to talk by great teachers who gave me the warmest reception and made clear how much they valued the progress of their students. I caught myself selling myself to them because I’m so used to LA where your value is under attack all day, every day and memory’s are about a minute long.
It was also quite heady stuff to be taken to lunch by my “publisher” in Boulder. In fact I called many people just to tell them “In case you were going to try to reach me, I can’t talk right now, I’m busy having lunch with my publisher…”
What I’m learning is that the same things that cause anxiety to actors in Colorado, bother actors in Philly, where I am now. I did two book signings and a talk at Mike Lemon Casting and the questions are consistent. This was really rewarding stuff. Everyone fears being (improperly) typed. Everyone fears they simply don’t know, have, or feel enough of what it takes to be branded as special. It sets us off on that vague path of looking for ways to “sparkle!”
Gosh it’s like a time warp. These were my same feelings when leaving the Neighborhood Playhouse (where I will speak tomorrow, ha!) and braving the world of the unknown years ago. This artistic kinship is a deep and great feeling. I begin to talk and an hour goes by and the hands go up, and it’s not a class room, it’s a group of folks sharing information because it matters.
Networking has it’s advantages but communication among like minds is pure dynamite.
I’m off to NYC tomorrow for two talks and a book signing and then back home to resume the pursuit of employment. I’m sure NYC will enrich me. I’ll keep you posted.